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WordPress Test Answer For all ( oDex, Freelancer and Elance )-Part (1)

Friend's Last post I discuss about Joomla.Today I discuss with all of you about WordPress.Now WordPress is most Popular Theme and also be Based any kind's of Website.It look's like  very easy but it is very Demand-able.You can Build Up your site by WordPress.Most of Website is build up by WordPress. You can Build Up your site free by WordPress also. So You must have some Knowledge about WordPress.If You are work in any Freelancer company such as oDex, A well known WordPress Person have Huge Demand in here. If you work Hourly Rate in oDex you can earn at least 10$ per Hour or more than it. So Today you will get most  valuable information about WordPress.

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1. Using ——— is a good way to ensure that a WordPress site is indexed by search engines.

a) a sitemap
b) robot.txt

c) a widge

 Answer: b

2.You want to schedule a backup of your site database but do not have enough permission to access your host. of the following choices can help you perform this task?

a)se phpMyAdmin
b)Install “wp database backup” plug-in

c)Use cron job to schedule.

d)Cannot schedule

Answer: b

3. A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flash of multimedia files.


Answer: a

4. A theme’s source code must be changed manually in order to customize the admin login page

a) True
b) False 

Answer: b

5. To manually make the sidebar widget ready, the user must___

a) modify the sidebar.php file (Or this)

b) Enable it in the admin settings 

c) Change the index.php

Answer: b

6. The “function_exist()” function can be used to check whether a plug-in activated or not?

a) True 
b) False

Answer: a

7. A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flast or multimedia files.
a) True 
b) Flase

Answer: a

8. “Shortcodes” can be defined in WordPress.
a) True 
b) False

Answer: a

9. Contributor may change the timestamp on a post?

a) True
b) False 

Answer: b

10. Image size can be set __________

a) Directly in the post’s
b) in the wp-imageresize plug-in

c) in the admin settings 

d) a and b

Answer: c

11. In order to to display a widget, the user must _____

a) Set he “Show Property” of the desired widget to “true”

b) Drag the desired widget of the side bar 

c) Add the Desired widget to the post

d) Change the source code

Answer: b

12. A possible way to collect real-time statistics about traffic to a WordPress site is to

a) use a built-in tool
b) use a plug-in 

c) use a widget

d) None of the above

Answer: b

13. Where can Google Adsense be integrated into a WordPress blog?

a) Only in the sidebar 
b) Only in the header

c) Anywhere

d) Only in the content

Answer: a

14. Where can Google Adsensebe integrated into a WordPress blog?

a) Only in the sidebar.
b) Only in the header
c) Anywhere.
d) Only in the content.
Answer: c

15. When are Actions triggered in the version 2.5.1?

a) When a post is published

b) When a theme is changed
c) When a new user registers 

Answer: All

16. When are Actions triggered in the version 2.5.1?

 a) When a post is published
 b) When a theme is changed
 c)When a page is displayed
 d) When a new user registers
 e) When a month changes

Answer: a

17. What is the function of widgets in WordPress?

It is used to add additional components to the site. (Answer)

18. What is the amount of free space available in a free blog, for storing uploaded files and images?

---->3000 Megabytes (Answer )****

19.What is Domain Mapping in the case of

It is a method by which you can replace the ‘’ name with your own domain name via paid upgrade. (answer)

20. What is the main functionality of Akismet plug-in?

<<<<<<----->>>>>>It helps in spam control.(answer)

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